
In GraspIt!, robots and bodies populate a simulation world. This document describes how these elements can be added or deleted from a world and describes the format of a world file, which stores the current state of the world.

When GraspIt! begins the world is empty. The user may either load a previously saved world by choosing File->Open, or populate the new world. To import an obstacle (a static body) or an object (a dynamic body), use File->Import Obstacle or File->Import Object, and then choose the Body file (see the previous section on bodies). Note that any Body file (regardless of whether it’s meant for a static or dynamic body) can be loaded as an obstacle (GraspIt! will just ignore the dynamic parameters). However, when a body file is imported as an Object, GraspIt! will automatically instantiate it as a dynamic body. It will also try to find the dynamic parameters in the body file and, if it can not find them, assign default values. Be aware that the default values occasionally have unpredictable results.

To import a robot, use File->Import Robot, open the correct robot folder, and select the robot configuration (.xml) file.

To delete a body, select it, and then press the <DELETE> key. To remove a robot, first select the entire robot (by double-clicking one of the links when the selection tool is active) and press the <DELETE> key.

Note: newly imported bodies or robots always appear at the world origin. You can move existing bodies out of the way before importing a new one. If you do not, than the newly imported body will overlap with an old one, and you will have to temporarily toggle collisions in order to move one of them out of the way.

When the user selects “Save” in the file menu, GraspIt! saves the current world state in an world file using an XML-compatible format. This file can contain the following tags:

  • <obstacle> - a body to be loaded as obstacle. Contains the following sub-tags:
    • <filename> - a pointer to the file containing the body to be loaded as an obstacle. The path is relative to $GRASPIT.
    • <transform> - the position and orientation of the obstacle in the simulation world. As always, a <transform> tag can contain multiple sub-tags, each specifying a translation, rotation or both. Usually, in World files, transforms are specified with a single sub-tag, of the type <fullTransform>, which contains a complete transform encoded as a Quaternion.
  • <graspableBody> - a body to be loaded as a Graspable Body. It is identical to the Obstacle tag. The only difference is that GraspIt! will load the specified Body as a GraspableBody, initialize its dynamic properties, and make it part of the dynamic computations.
  • <robot> - a Robot to be loaded into this world. Contains the following sub-tags:
    • <filename> - a pointer to the Robot XML file. The path is relative to $GRASPIT.
    • <dofValues> - a string containing the saved values of all degrees of freedom of the robot. Note that this might mean a single number per DOF, or more information, depending on the DOF type.
    • <transform> - the position and orientation of the Robot in the world, as described in the Obstacle case.
  • <connection> - indicates a connection between two robots. This means that one Robot is attached to the end of a kinematic chain of another Robot, such as a hand attached to a robotic arm. Contains the following sub-tags:
    • <parentRobot> - the index of the parent robot in the world, which is given by the order in which <robot> tags appear in the World file.
    • <parentChain> - the kinematic chain number on the parent robot that the other robot is attached to.
    • <childRobot> - the index of the child robot in the world, which is given by the order in which <robot> tags appear in the World file.
    • <mountFilename> (optional) - specifies a body that is optionally used as a mount piece between the two robots.
    • <transform> the constant offset transform between the last link of the parent’s kinematic chain and the base link of the child robot.
  • <camera> (optional) - specifies the world position, orientation and focal point of the virtual camera.

For an example, take a look at the barrettGlassDyn.xml file supplied with this GraspIt! distribution.