The Columbia Grasp Database: Part II


This section contains material describing the CGDB’s internal structure. It is intended for those who wish to modify the CGDB or use it in more advanced ways than the basic database browser described in . For the remainder of this chapter, when we say the “CGDB” we are referring to the PostgreSQL database, and not to the accompanying geometry files that the database references.

The CGDB is not only of data, but also a database in the strong sense; a structured system for encapsulating relationships between various types of geometric, semantic, and robotic data. The preloaded data consists of grasps computed by our Eigengrasps Planner on the models from the Princeton Shape Benchmark with a small number of hands, but the structure can be expanded with new data in any dimension. Using the CGDB to the fullest extent requires a substantial knowledge of SQL, both to add new information to the system and to calculate statistics and properties of the grasps.

The CGDB follows the following naming conventions:

  • every column name is prefixed with the name of its table
  • except for fields referencing the primary key of another table

Some tables contain two unique columns. Columns that end with the suffix “_id” are numeric automatically generated identifiers and are used as primary keys. Columns that end with the suffix “_name” are human-readable identifiers intended to simplify interaction with the database from code and from the GraspIt! browser.

3D Models

We first describe how 3D model information is stored in the database.

  • contains one entry for each geometry file.
    • original_model_id is a primary key
    • original_model_name is a convenient human-readable name for the model. For the models included with the CGDB this is just the model number from the PSB.
    • original_model_geometry_path and original_model_thumbnail_path contain the paths - relative to the CGDB_MODEL_ROOT environment variable - to the geometry file and an associated thumbnail file.
    • original_model_tags contains an array of text tags that refer to the model. For the models that come with the CGDB, this field is populated with the names of the classes and subclasses in the Princeton Shape Benchmark’s fine level classification that apply to this model.
    • original_model_grasping_rescale gives a conversion from the units in the geometry file to millimeters, where the model is at its “graspable size” as discussed in the . For most PSB models we took the units in the original file to be 10 inches.
    • original_approximate_radius contains a statistical measure of the scale of the original model. We assume that all points on the surface of a mesh are normally distributed around a sphere of fixed radius centered on the center of mass. This value is that radius, plus 2 standard deviations of that distribution. It is used by the CGDB planner to find models at “similar” sizes to other models.
  • contains one entry for each scaled copy of an original model. Since grasping is scale-dependent, we duplicate original models at multiple scales (in this release, 0.75, 1, 1.25 and 1.5 times the original scale).
    • scaled_model_id is a primary key
    • scaled_model_name contains a human-readable name for the scaled model. Following the current convention (“collectionname_scale_modelname”) is a good idea.
    • scaled_model_scale contains the rescale factor relative to the original model.
    • original_model_id is a foreign key on the original_modeltable, linking this scaled model to an unscaled original model.

Adding new models

To add new models to the CGDB, first place the geometry files (and preferably, thumbnails) under the CGDB_MODEL_ROOT directory. Then, create a row in original_model referencing the new files. There is no need to follow the PSB naming convention for files as long as the path are stored correctly in the database. Make sure to store the units-to-millimeters conversion in original_model_grasping_rescale and the approximate radius in original_model_approximate_radius. Unfortunately we are not currently providing code for computing the approximate radius, but the description of the method above should help those who wish to recreate it.

The next step is to add at least one row, to scaled_model, or as many rows as you like. (You can also add new scaled_model rows for existing models in the database at new scales.) After that, the model is in the database and will be visible to the browser and to all CGDB code, although it will not yet have any associated grasps, alignments, or neighbors.

Robotic Hands

In this section we describe how hands are stored in the database.

  • contains one entry for each robotic hand used in the database by any grasp. We store a unique hand if any parameter has changed, so for example the Barrett Hand with different friction coefficients appears more than once.
    • hand_id is a primary key
    • hand_name is a convenient human-readable name for the hand.

Adding new hands

At the moment, the hand information is tightly coupled to GraspIt!. While it is possible to add new hands to the database without doing anything in GraspIt!, the only way to link a database hand to a GraspIt! hand model is to edit the code. This is not particularly difficult, but we should fix it in the future.


Now that we have models and hands, we can talk about storing grasps.

  • lists the possible sources of grasps. The primary source of grasps in the CGDB is from the Eigengrasp Planner, but there are some human-created grasp sources as well. In theory a database-backed planner can prioritize different sources, say for example preferring human created grasps to automatically created grasps when both are available. Our current planner only uses the automated grasps and so does not do this.
    • grasp_source_id is a primary key
    • grasp_source_name is a convenient human-readable name for the grasp source.
    • grasp_source_description is a free-form field for more in depth comments.
  • contains one entry for each grasp done with a hand on a model in the database.
    • grasp_id is a primary key
    • scaled_model_id references the scaled model the grasp was performed on.
    • hand_id references the hand used to perform the grasp.
    • grasp_source_id references the grasp_source where this grasp was created from.
    • grasp_pregrasp_joints and grasp_pregrasp_position contain the information necessary to recreate the pregrasp.
    • grasp_grasp_joints and grasp_grasp_position contain the information necessary to recreate the grasp.
    • grasp_contacts is an array of contact points between the hand and object. Each three numbers forms an (x,y,z) triple.
    • grasp_epsilon_quality and grasp_volume_quality contain Ferrari-Canny grasp quality measures.

Adding new grasp sources

If you wish to add data from your own planner to the CGDB, we suggest you create a new entry in grasp_source.

Adding new grasps

If you wish to add new grasps to the CGDB, you must fill in the various fields of this table with the grasp information. The coordinate system of the grasp positions is the model’s coordinate system.


Aside from model and grasp information, the CGDB also stores geometric relationships between 3D models to assist in grasp planning. If you wish to use GraspIt!’s built-in CGDB planner on new models that were not distributed with the PSB, you will need to add information to this part of the database.

In this section we describe how geometric neighbors are stored in the database. We store neighbors according to a number of “distance functions” that measure the similarities between 3D models. At this time, we do not provide code for calculating such similarities yourself, but only precomputed neighbor relationships for the existing models. We are distributing 9 sets of neighbors for each model, as given by the following distance functions.

  • ZERNIKE - Novotni and Klein’s Zernike descriptors, as described .
  • RANDOM - randomly selected neighbors for benchmarking purposes.
  • PSB - neighbors within the same subclass in the PSB as the current model. The ordering within the classes is arbitrary. Used for benchmarking.
  • SIFT_12_view_x - A SIFT-PI descriptor, as described in the CGDB publications, which describes similarity using only what is visible from one side of the object. There are 6 such distance function in the database with different view numbers, and they correspond to descriptors taken from the centers of the 6 sides of the enclosing box.

For each distance function we store the 25 nearest neighbors of each object, along with the distance to the neighbor (higher distance is less similar). Note that the neighbor relationships are between original models and not scaled models, since most measures of 3D similarity are scale independent.

  • contains an entry for each similarity metric used in comparing 3D models and finding neighbors. Currently we provide 9 such distance functions (the 10th, “Eigengrasps”, is not actually a distance function and is used as a marker in some experiments that pit the Eigengrasp Planner against the Database Planner.)
    • distance_function_id is a primary key
    • distance_function_name is a convenient human-readable name for the distance function.
    • distance_function_description is a more detailed comment about the distance function.
  • contains an entry for each neighbor relationship between two models in the database.
    • neighbor_id is a primary key
    • original_model_id references the model we are finding neighbors for
    • neighbor_original_model_id references the model that has been found as a neighbor
    • distance_function_id references the distance function used in finding this neighbor
    • neighbor_distance gives the distance to the neighbor (higher is less similar)

Adding new distance functions

To add a new distance function, simply add a new entry to the distance_function table. This is useful if you want to try your own shape matching functions.

Adding new neighbors

To add a new neighbor to the database, fill in a new row in the neighbor table. Note that neighbor relationships are not automatically symmetric, and so if you want the reverse relationship to be in the database as well you must add it yourself. As we do not provide the original descriptors or code used in creating the neighbors we have distributed, we strongly recommend not adding any new neighbors to the original distance functions. If you wish to add new models, we encourage you to create a new distance function for all the models, including those we have distributed.


To transfer grasps from one model to another we need a transformation between their coordinate systems. The CGDB currently provides precomputed rotational alignments for all neighbor relationships that are in the database; translational alignments are done by colocating the models’ centers of mass. At the moment, we do not provide the alignment code itself. We currently provide data from 2 alignment methods:

  • TRIMESH_LIB PCA - Models are aligned by aligning their principle axes. The was used to calculate PCAs.
  • SIFT_FULL_ICP - A SIFT - based alignment, as described in the CGDB publications, refined by ICP.

The database structure is as follows:

  • contains an entry for each method of computing alignments.
    • alignment_method_id is a primary key
    • alignment_method_name is a convenient human-readable name for the alignment method.
    • distance_function_description is a more detailed comment about the alignment method.
  • contains an entry for each stored alignment between two models in the database.
    • alignment_id is a primary key
    • original_model_id references the model we are trying to align (the one whose coordinates change)
    • alignment_original_model_id references the model that we are aligning to (the one whose coordinates remain fixed)
    • alignment_method_id references the alignment method used in creating this alignment.
    • aignment gives the transformation as a matrix

Adding new alignment methods

To add a new distance function, simply add a new entry to the alignment_method table.

Adding new alignments

To add a new alignment to the database, fill in a new row in the alignment table. Note that alignments are not automatically symmetric, and so if you want the reverse relationship to be in the database as well you must add it yourself. As we do not provide the code used in creating the alignments we have distributed, we strongly recommend not adding any new alignments to the original alignment methods.

Stored Procedures

Along with the data and table structures, several stored procedures are built into the database to ease use. We briefly describe them here:

  • turns a scaled_model_name into a scaled_model_id
  • turns a hand_name into a scaled_model_id
  • turns a grasp_source_name into a grasp_source_id
  • retrieves a list of alignment method names
  • retrieves a list of distance function names
  • retrieves a list of grasp type names
  • retrieves basic information about all scaled models.
  • retrieves the largest scaled version of an original model with approximate radius smaller than a given radius, and the smallest version larger than that radius. One of these may not exist (if the radius is larger than the largest scaled model, or smaller than the smallest).
  • retrieves a list of saved neighbors for a given model
  • retrieves a list of saved grasps for a given model
  • retrieves a saved alignment between two models

More functions exist, but serve as helpers for those listed above.