
A Robot is made up of multiple links, connected into kinematic chains. A link is simply a dynamic body, as described above. A Robot always has a base link (called “palm” for hands) and one or more kinematic chains attached to it. Each chain is in turn made up of a succession of links, connected by joints. In order to define a robot, two things are needed: the Body files for all the links that are part of the Robot, plus an overall Robot configuration file, which has all the kinematic information and references the appropriate body files for the links. Here we describe the structure of the Robot configuration file.

Robot configuration files can seem daunting at first, and they are a bit annoying to get used to. However, you can start from one of the many robots that are included with this distribution, and use it as a starting block for your own robot that you are trying to build. Starting in version 2.1, GraspIt! robot files are now stored in an XML compatible format.

In general, a Robot configuration file contains the following data:

  • the palm - this is simply a pointer to the Body file that contains the palm.
  • degrees of freedom - contained in the XML tag <dof>. We will discuss them in detail below.
  • kinematic chains - contained in the XML tag <chain>. We will discuss them in detail below.

In this example, we will walk through the file for the Robonaut hand. The first XML tag, <robot>, encloses the entire contents of the file. It also has a specified property type, which tells GraspIt! whether this is a generic robot or hand or a particular subclass of one of those. A hand should use the “Hand” type. In some cases, if a robot has special features or its own inverse kinematics algorithm, it is necessary to use a subclass of these generic types, such as “Barrett”, or “Puma560”:

<robot type="Robonaut">
... (rest of Robot file)

The next item is the filename for the palm link:


Degrees of Freedom

In each robot file, we have a set of degree of freedom tags <dof>, each describing one DOF of the robot. Note that a DOF can be connected to one or more joints in the kinematic chains, this information will be supplied later in the Robot configuration file. For more details about DOF’s and joints in GraspIt!, see the . Also note that the ORDER in which <dof> tags appear in the file is important: dof’s will later be referenced by their position in this order!

For each DOF, the XML tag contains the following information:

  • a type property of the <dof> tag. Its value is a letter, showing the DOF type. For the Robonaut hand, all DOF’s are of the type “rigid”, depicted by the letter “r”. This is the most common type of DOF in GraspIt!. Unless you are building robots with coupled joints (multiple joints connected to a single DOF), you can always use this type of DOF.
  • all the other properties of the DOF are stored as sub-tags of the <dof> tag, as listed below.
  • <defaultVelocity> - the default velocity for that DOF during an autograsp operation. This is used to pre-define the “closing” motion of a hand. For anthropomorphic hands, these pre-defined directions tell GraspIt! how to move each DOF in order to “autograsp”, or how to “close the hand”. This generally means moving the DOF’s of the MCP, PIP and DIP joints in the “flexing” direction, and no movement for the abduction - adduction DOFs.
  • <maxEffort> - the max force the DOF can apply to each joint it is connected to. The unit is N * 1.0e6 * mm for torques and N * 1.0e6 for forces.
  • <Kp> and <Kd> - the Kp and Kv coefficients for a PD force controller built into the DOF
  • <draggerScale> - the visual scale of the dragger that allows the user to control this DOF through the GraspIt! GUI.
  • a number of optional sub-tags, depending on the DOF type. For the “rigid” DOF, no more sub-tags are needed.

Here’s an example <dof> tag from the Robonaut.xml file:

<dof type="r">

Kinematic Chains

Each kinematic chain is stored in the tag chain. This tag has no properties, and can contain the following sub-tags:

  • <transform> - the transform from the origin of the palm (which is also the origin of the robot) to the base of this chain, which is where the first joint in the chain is placed. Note that, anywhere in GraspIt! XML files, a <transform> tag can have an unspecified number of sub-tags, each containing a translation, a rotation, or both.
  • <joint> - a joint in the chain. This tag can contain the following information:
    • the joint type, as a property. This can be either “Revolute” or “Prismatic”
    • the Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) parameters of this joint, as sub-tags:
      • <d>
      • <a>
      • <alpha>
      • <theta>
      • one of the 4 D-H parameters must be connected to a degree of freedom of the robot. For revolute joints, this will be <d>. For prismatic joints, this will be <a>. For example, to show that a revolute joint is connected to the 5th degree of freedom of the robot, the XML tag will have the form <d>d5</d>.
      • you can also specify a linear relationship between the DOF value and the joint value. This is done in the form d#k+c (no spaces!). For example, to specify that the value of the joint will be one third of the second DOF value, plus an offset of 30 degrees, the XML tag will have the form: <d>d2*0.33+30.0</d>
      • the other 3 D-H parameters will have fixed values, specified in their respective XML tag. Example: <a>46</a>.
    • <minValue> - the lower joint limit for this joint
    • <maxValue> - the upper joint limit for this joint
    • other optional sub-tags are also possible, but they are not used in this example file, They can contain things like joint friction coefficients, spring stiffness etc.
  • <link> - a link in this chain.
    • this tag has a property called “dynamicJointType”. This property tells us how each link is connected to the one before. It can be one of the following: “Revolute”, “Prismatic”, “Universal”, “Ball”, or “Fixed”. Depending on which one is used, the chain will take some of the joints from the joint list above, and put them together to create a connection of that type. For example:
      • Revolute: the link is connected to the one before by through a single revolute joint
      • Universal: the link is connected to the one before by two revolute joints, usually with perpendicular axes
      • Ball: the link is connected to the one before by three revolute joints, usually with perpendicular axes
    • the value of the <link> tag is a pointer to the Body file which contains the link.

Example of a kinematic chain from the Robonaut.xml file:

        <translation>46.183982 -26.490473 5.890768</translation>
        <rotationMatrix>0.56107 -0.820276 -0.111118 0.145778 0.230056 -0.962197 0.814831 0.523661 0.248656</rotationMatrix>
    <joint type="Revolute">
    <joint type="Revolute">
    <joint type="Revolute">
    <link dynamicJointType="Revolute">tyoke.xml</link>
    <link dynamicJointType="Revolute">thumbphl.xml</link>
    <link dynamicJointType="Revolute">thdph1.xml</link>

Finally, the Robot file can contain some optional tags. These usually includes things such as Eigengrasp information, connection to a Flock of Birds sensor, etc. These are described in more detail in the dedicated chapters of this manual.